Monday, January 10, 2011

Berry Black

Today was another rainy day.It's supposed to flood tomorrow but we are on a hill so it shouldn't matter- good luck to those who arn't so lucky,

I took a few snaps to overcome my boredness.
This dress is so big and flowy i abslutley love it.
Enjoy :)

Charlie X

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Pretty in Pink

I absolutley love the colour pink!

Today has been a rainy and really hot so i sat back and relaxed to watch hannah montanna all morning with two of my friends.

It took me a really long time to find a half decent photo of my kitten (pipper), she is no looking at the camera but its the best one i had and i dont have alot of patience :) There is nothing better to do on a rainy day then snuggle up with pip while she is purring.

Have a great day.

Charlie. X

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Ponies and Princesses

Today has been quite sunny so i thought it would be a good chance to take a few photo's that actually looks like it is summer. I got back from my beloved caloundra today apart from the weather and blue bottles it actually turned out to not being quite a bad trip. Apart from the fact that i didn't get my dream shoes... Keep posted.
Charlie x


Well today I have started my new blog.
I think it will give me a chance to let my thoughts and oppinions out  the the world.
I will be showing photographs and what im up.
I hope this blog will keep you entertained.
B.oxed O.ut